World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition by Blizzard Entertainment - NEW!
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World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition – NEW! by Blizzard Entertainment:
ONLY $399.99
ONLY $399.99

Product Description
The Lich King Arthas has set in motion events that could lead to the extinction of all life on Azeroth. With the armies of the undead and the necromantic power of the plague threatening to sweep across the land, only the mightiest heroes can oppose the Lich King's will and end his reign of terror for all time. Learn the craft of spell augmentation with the new Inscription profession. Brave the harsh new continent of Northrend, the icy domain of the Lich King. Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path. Transform your hero's look with new character-customization options, including new hairstyles and dances. Explore perilous new dungeons filled with some of the deadliest creatures -- and greatest treasures
Master the necromantic powers of the Death Knight -- World of Warcraft's first Hero class
Learn craft of spell augmentation with new Inscription profession
Explore vast new continent and perilous dun filled with deadly creatures
Transform hero's look with new character-customization options
Requires the orginal World of Warcraft game (sold separately)
What's in the Box:
-- The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a 208-page book featuring never-before-seen images from the game.
-- An exclusive in-game pet: Frosty, the baby frost wyrm.
-- A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, the Wrath of the Lich King intro cinematic with director's commentary, and more.
-- The official soundtrack CD, containing 21 epic tracks from the game, along with exclusive bonus tracks.
-- A mouse pad featuring a map of the newly opened continent of Northrend.
-- Two World of Warcraft Trading Card Game March of the Legion starter decks, along with two exclusive cards available only in the Collector's Edition.
System Requirements
Operating System
PC: Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista (with latest Service Packs)
Mac: Mac OS X 10.4.11 or newer
PC: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlong XP 1500+
Mac: PowerPC G5 1.6 GHz or Intel Core Duo processor
PC: Dual-core processor, such as Intel Pentium D or AmD Athlong 64 X2
Mac: Intel 1.8 GHz processor or better
Graphics Hardware
PC: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transfor and Lighting with 32 MB VRAM, such as an ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA GeForce2 class card or better
Mac: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 64 MB VRAM, such as ATI Radeon 9600 or NVIDIA GeForce Ti 4600 class card or better
PC: 3D Graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capabilities with 128 MB VRAM, such as an ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT class card or better
Mac: 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability with 128 MB VRAM, such as ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA 7600 class card or better.
PC: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
Mac: 1 GB
PC: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista)
Mac: 2 GB
Hard Drive Space:
15 GB of free space
All Platform Requirements
Keyboard and mouse, required for controls. Other input devices not supported. Active broadband Internet connection required to play.
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